
August 7, 2013


Blazer: Galatica Blazer c/o Stylestalker (on sale now) / Shorts: Shop Publik (similar one here ) / 
Bag:  Raja Clutch via Monika Chiang / Jewelry: H&M ear cuff and Beso Beso by Luka Cuff / Shoes: Metallic Loafers via Joes Jeans (if you prefer gold, this is pretty cool too)
Galactic prints have popped up all over fashion runways but believe it or not, this is my first galactic printed item in my closet. I was drawn to this StyleStalker Blazer in particular because it wasn’t a very “in your face” print. I intentionally paired it with my Joe Jeans Metallic Flats to give it that extra spacey vibe. 
On another note, I am starting to lean towards a preference of silver accessories these days. I used to be partial to gold but I think I’m ready for a change. What about you guys? Both or either?