My birthday is about a month away and I want to do something fun with my man. After coming across the site Casino Magasinet, and getting some tips on our favorite casino games, the first thought that came to his head was “Vegas, Baby!”. I’ve been scouring the web for some birthday outfit inspiration and I stumbled upon these prettiest sequined dresses that would be so perfect for a weekend of Slots, Blackjack and Cirque! Believe it or not, I don’t own any sequin dresses and Vegas wouldn’t quite be the same without all the shine and glamour, right?
The last time I was in Vegas was for the MAGIC trade show and I never really had the opportunity to dress up because our schedule was so tight and we just didn’t have time to do Las Vegas right. This time I can’t wait to try my hands at my man’s favorite, Blackjack. I’ve already had some luck with the slots but Roulette and Blackjack will be a new experience for me. So come on lovelies, share your own best tips on how to win at the tables! 🙂
Note: This post was written in cooperation with Casino Magasinet